Friday, November 25, 2011


It published the post before I was finished.

world tour blog:

I hope you enjoy following our travels. Peace Corps, it's been real.

This is it.

Well, I guess it's true what they say about the second year of Peace Corps going by a lot faster than the first year, because it's been a whole year since I posted on this blog. Whoops. As a PCV, things that seemed noteworthy when you were first starting out don't really seem worth talking about anymore, and the days kind of slip into a rhythm so that you don't notice how much time is passing. Then after a while you realize that months have gone by, and it's nearing the end of your service. How strange it is to think back on this first months, when two years seemed like an eternity, and realize that you're finished.

I officially COSed on Wednesday, and am now an RPCV. I wish I had been more faithful about posting about my life here, but really the second year was much like the first. There were ups and there were downs (but not as many as the first year). At the end of my service, when I look back and see what I value most, I find that it's the relationships formed with my learners, my host families, my community and the other Peace Corps Volunteers.

And now, as an RPCV, what are my plans? Well, first and foremost, Sarah Bennett, Sarah Gibney and I are going on World Tour. And if you haven't lost faith in my blogging abilities completely, you can follow are journey on our world tour blog, at this address: